Wednesday, March 28, 2018

piecing it all together

Have you ever had that project that just seemed to come together all on it own? This one seemed to do just that.  I found this gorgeous picture frame at a yard sale and just knew I had to have it.

 Now these rough little beauties are thanks to my hubby (mmmhmm, hoarder) kidding, not kidding.   He finds
 all kinds of random things and brings them home to me. 

So I just picked out the boards that were in the best shape.  I lightly sanded then cut down each board to fit the inside of the picture frame.

 I used the tiniest of all screws, so it wouldn't go through the frame, to hold each board in place.

 I used clear caulk, only because it's what I had, to patch the nail holes.

 I painted the frame black and the inside boards white.  Oops I guess I forgot a picture of a step.

I found this quote on pinterest and knew I'd use it on something.  On this project I used a black paint pen to fill in my stenciled lettering.  Since then I've learned permanent marker is so much easier if you have a unsteady hand.

Until next time,

Monday, March 26, 2018

laundry room curtain

 I can honestly say this project was a bit time
consuming, but I'm proud to say I stayed on this one until it was finished.

 I bought (so many) jeans from a dollar bag thrift store to get started.  I used a sheet from one I already had in the linen closet.  My dad was kind enough to make a template for me out of plexiglass.  And so the sewing began.

Using my sewing machine I stitched an X on each individual jean piece and the sheet backing to more easily hold them together.  From there I sewed them together to form kind of a column to the length I needed.


 Then I sewed the columns together. At this point this thing was getting SEW SEW heavy.  Once finished with the needed columns for width, I took a pair of scissors and clipped the fabric where its joined, when washed and dried it gives a frayed look.

 Yea I didn't want to look at this every time I did the dreaded laundry.

SEW much better!

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                                                                                Until next time,

Halloween witch: DIY style

It's that time of year where I'm busy making Halloween decorations for our Halloween party.  This year I decided to make a witch ...